The Treasures of English Freemasonry 1717 - 2017
by Richard Gan
ISBN 10: 085318531X ISBN 13: 9780853185314
Casa editrice: Lewis Masonic, 2017
The Tercentenary of the establishment of the first Grand Lodge, and with it the formal organisation of Freemasonry in England and indeed the world, is celebrated in this easy-to-read and superbly illustrated volume.
In 1717 four London lodges came together to form the first Grand Lodge. Since then many millions of men have become Freemasons and in England alone over 9,500 lodges have been constituted. Whilst some of these lodges have come and gone, others have survived as long as Grand Lodge itself.
A true collector's item, The Treasures of English Freemasonry 1717-2017 is a beautiful and unique publication produced in conjunction with the Library and Museum of Freemasonry. It features over 200 items which mark interesting and important aspects of the rich history of Freemasonry.