Association of Masonic Museums, Libraries and Archives in Europe (AMMLA)
Bibliotheca Masonica August Belz (BMAB) - Svizzera
Centre interdisciplinaire d'étude des religions et de la laïcité (CIERL) – Belgio
Centro Ibérico de Estudios Masónicos (CIEM)- Spagna
Groupe de recherche de l'Alpina (GRA) – Svizzera
Institut d'études et de recherches Maçonniques (IDERM) – Francia
Masonic Library & Museum Association (MLMA) – USA
Philalethes - USA
Quatuor Coronati Lodge N. 2076 - Inghilterra
The Library and Museum of Freemasonry – Inghilterra
The Library of the Deutschen Freimaurermuseum - Germania
The Lodge of Research - CC (200) – Irlanda
The Masonic Society – USA
Worcestershire Masonic Library & Museum Trust - Inghilterra